



老兵返回: Increase employment opportunities for returning veterans by eliminating duplicative requirements and expedite processes for military-trained personnel to obtain the equivalent civilian license

Support ongoing efforts to recruit military personnel to the state to meet the workforce needs of regional employers

Ex-Offender返回: Support policies that promote reintegrating ex-offenders into the workforce and economy by:

  • 减少企业责任,增加雇佣前罪犯的激励
  • 增加职业培训和技能提升机会

    • 扩大发行前十博手机app教育培训
    • Support funding for proven models for transitional employment and wrap-around services including access to housing and transportation

健康的社会决定因素: 增加对公共卫生的战略投资, 预防, 支持以人才为基础的经济发展的社会决定因素. Continue data collection efforts by the state on social determinants of health and unmet needs of government benefit recipients


扭转信贷: Support permitting specific course credit to be transferable and reciprocal between Indiana’s accredited two-year schools and other state-supported colleges and universities to encourage post-secondary certification and degree attainment statewide

21st 世纪的学者: Enhance outreach and wraparound services and evaluate sustainable funding mechanisms for programs, 比如21st 世纪学者计划, in order to increase access to and completion rates at two- and four-year colleges and universities for those with financial need


教师培训: Work with school system leaders to require and fund all teachers in the state of Indiana to complete cultural competency and implicit bias training, 不会造成额外负担或没有资金的任务 

成就 差距 & 纪律政策: 支持全面的, ongoing review of racial achievement gap and disciplinary policies resulting in inequitable outcomes

幼儿教育: 确保进入小学(K-12)教育的儿童学业良好, 通过高品质为成功做好社会和情感准备, publicly-funded Pre-K programs; increased public investments should focus on those in financial need and support statewide access, 同时保护高需求的资金和服务水平, 高能力“试点”县. 进一步, 制定强制性的, 资助学生, 5岁前创建全日制幼儿园一致, 优质早教途径

学校安全 & 心理健康: Allow public school funding for school resource officers and school safety referenda funding to be used to hire mental health program staff

茎: 支持专门的资金和政策,以部署高质量的课堂科学, 技术, engineering and math (STEM) curricula and STEM-focused professional development for the educators. 具体地说, emphasize access to computer science and engineering courses at the K-12 level to prepare graduates for college and career opportunities in high-demand STEM fields

Explore the creation of incentives to retain recent STEM-degreed individuals committed to remaining in-state for five years, 重点是那些进入教学行业的毕业生.


  • 降低学生与辅导员的比例, require regular professional development for school counselors and ensure academic coursework align with students’ desired career pathways
  • Explore modification of counselor licensure to differentiate career counseling from social/emotional counseling
  • 要求学校辅导员为中学生提供建议th, 7th 和8th 他们参加各种州财政援助计划的资格等级

要求FAFSA完成: Support matriculation to post-secondary educational institutions by making FAFSA completion or affirmative opt-out a requirement of high school graduation

自主性: Provide school districts flexibility to pay teachers based on high need and specialized subject matter areas. Empower local education officials to make administrative and structural decisions affecting individual school performance, 包括延长上课时间的选项, 绩效薪酬选择, providing voluntary alternative retirement benefits options such as defined contribution plans for new teachers

运营效率 & 设施:通过创建一个5年计划,支持学校公司的运作效率努力, renewable exemption to the “Dollar Law” for school corporations that meet the following criteria:

  • 具备与特许学校合作的意愿和能力,表现如下:

    • 20% of school corporation’s student population attending innovation network school or innovation network charter schools
    • Equitable distribution of district operating referendum dollars to all innovation network schools, both in-LEA innovation network schools and out-of-LEA innovation network charter schools

  • Proven overcapacity of facilities within the district as demonstrated by independent analysis and verification
  • 致力于提高运营效率,具体表现为:

    • Undergoing strategic facilities optimization study on current and future population/enrollment projections
    • Implementation of strategic operational efficiency plans through strategic disposition of the properties previously subject to the dollar law 


  • 数: Support the inclusion of the second count date for the k-12 funding formula to ensure schools are able to adequately accommodate changing student populations throughout the school year
  • 复杂指数: Protect the Complexity Index as an essential tool for improving school outcomes by allocating adequate resources to schools educating challenged students

    • Capture an accurate reflection of complexity by considering population of students with histories of trauma (measured by ACE scores), 英语为第二语言的学生, 还有那些有发展困难的人
    • 消除每个学生经费分配上的种族差距, and address the findings of the 2020 report on Indiana school funding commissioned by Richard M. 费尔班克斯基金会 

老师工资: 支持从州到地方学区提高教师工资的努力 

特许授权: Expand the authority of the Mayor of Indianapolis to charter Pre-K educational institutions and require local public hearings for the re-chartering of schools attempting to switch charter authorizers after a charter has been revoked

金融知识: Promote financial literacy education through existing k-12 curriculum requirements and encourage the DOE to develop sample curriculum for local schools to implement

